July 1, 2014
Thomas and Malte got to know each other while doing some private tutoring in Maastricht. The former Maastricht University students discovered that they shared the same vision of providing students with the most professional and highest quality tutoring possible. Following this discovery, Success Formula was founded.
Location right across the library
September 1, 2014
Success Formula now offers tutoring services from its new location right across the inner city library: Grote Looiersstraat 20, 6211JJ Maastricht
Ten Tutors
September 1, 2015
Within one year after foundation, the Success Formula team grew from its original founders to over ten tutors, offering multiple classes in its offices.
New Services
September 1, 2015

Tailoring Success Formulas services even more to the students’ needs by offering exam trainings for up to 40 people in a lecture like setting, allows the company to help over 600 different students per block.
Current team
September 1, 2016

November 3, 2016
Success Formula is currently expanding to different cities in the Netherlands as well as in Maastricht in different fields, helping students pass their exams in the best way possible.
Q&A platform
December 1, 2016
We opened our free Q&A platform on which students can ask about any old exam questions and/or answer the questions from others.
Psychology expansion
December 1, 2016
Expanding our help to Psychology students in Maastricht, we now offer Crash Courses for Statistics I for the upcoming exams.
Success Formula goes social
December 1, 2016
We started our very own Instagram, Snapchat, and Youtube accounts to show the “behind the scenes” of our offices and our tutors’ lives. Additionally, we will be uploading sneak peeks on Youtube to explain important concepts from our classes.
Management team update
March 1, 2017
After two-and-a half successful years, Malte, one of our initial co-founders, has left Success Formula to focus on projects of his own. The whole team wishes him all the best in his endeavors! Thomas will now fill his gap and we will continue to strive to provide the highest quality tutoring to our students as possible in all the Netherlands.
City expansion update
March 16, 2017
Success is now official in Rotterdam and Tilburg helping business students. The website has been updated and now can welcome students from all the locations.
3rd year anniversary and new updates
September 1, 2017
It is already Success Formula 3rd year, time flies! For this new year, we have been improving our programs and introduced new elements: 1) Loyalty membership 2) Higher loyalty reward 3) More classes for more students 4) More training for our tutors 5) a new program aiming at donating back part of our profit to charity All in all, we are really excited to keep on improving and trying to make our students more happy on a regular basis 🙂
Next Chapter
September 1, 2017
Lena, one of our best tutors, takes over more responsibility. For the academic year 2017/18, she is the new general manager at Success Formula with a 20-people strong tutor team.
It is time to move on…
February 1, 2018
Success Formula expands! To make sure that we can help as many students as possible, we moved into a bigger office! It was a challenging but also enjoyable moving date! We hope to welcome you at our new location! Grote Gracht 64, 6211 SZ Maastricht
An Exam Training that feels like Home!
April 1, 2018
The first exam training in-house! To welcome this many students at our office was an amazing experience for us! We hope to see you in the upcoming Trainings!
Law & Psychology Expansion
May 1, 2018
In time for the next academic year, we will have an even larger Law & Psychology team of tutors! They will also be in charge of expanding our program offerings, so you can benefit fully!
New General Manager
August 1, 2018
We had a very strong academic year thanks to Lena Pieper, who contributed immensely towards improving our quality of teaching and our overall expansion. She has since decided to pursue her academic endeavor by starting her PhD at UM. The entire team wishes her all the best, in her pursuit of all future milestones. This year, a familiar face is taking charge of this educational ship! Welcome our new Captain and General Manager – Adrian Paasch. He is our highest-rated tutor since the establishment of Success Formula, and we are honored to have him on board! Looking forward to many great experiences, and a lot more exciting announcements to come!
Largest team size since founding
December 17, 2018

Our team has been growing rapidly over the course of the last few years. This year, we reached a new milestone and grew our team to the largest it has been since our founding back in 2014. With an ever growing team, we continue to provide the best teaching to the growing number of students taking classes with us!
The old (“new”) Team is back!
August 7, 2019
After a great year for both our students and Success Formula with Adrian as General Manager, we are sad to see him go back to Australia. We, again, want to thank him for his work and effort over the last year and wish him the best of luck and success for his future endeavors. But do not worry, a new (“oldish”) face is reappearing! Success Formula is going back to its roots and founder – Thomas – who is taking back the position as General Manager this year! To support him, Lena and Florian will be more active by handling some managerial tasks. These two should be quite familiar to most of you from previous classes or events as they have been with us for several years! Additionally, to those three, an intern (Olivia) will also be providing extra support to help Success Formula achieve its best year so far. We are excited for this upcoming academic year and look forward to welcoming many of you in the future!
It is Time For Change
September 8, 2020
New Chapter – New and old faces at Success Formula!2020 has been an interesting year for everyone – also for Success Formula. Despite the various changes and challenges, we still hope that we were able to provide you with the best support during your studies. That being said, we did learn many things during those months and we believe this will make our services for you better this year.For the academic year 2020/21, a familiar face rejoins the team again and surely aims to provide the best possible experience for you in this upcoming year. More specifically, Michalina, one of our very first tutors, rejoins Success Formula as the new General Manager. She will be replacing Lena who decided to solely pursue her academic path with her PhD at UM. We will always remember Lena as part of the Success Formula history and wish her nothing but the best for her future endeavours. Michalina is obviously not alone! Her back-up might be familiar to most of you! Thomas and Florian, the two Success Formula veterans, will still handle most background activities.We also hope that with this change, we can go back to a “somewhat normalish” year for both our students and tutors. Last but not least, we are thrilled to see what the upcoming academic year brings and hope to welcome you soon in our classroom!
Thanks for checking out our new website
October 1, 2020
Please use this coupon code for any of our programs and if you have any feedback about the website or any functionality of it, please let us now (just write a short email to us)! Coupon Code (works for the first 10 people to find it): “website-detective”
Pushing through corona
December 1, 2020
2020 threw a surprising curveball with the COVID-19 pandemic. But, we at Success Formula were resilient. We’ve adapted to face these challenges and continue to be your steadfast academic support with for example virtual tutoring. We thank you all for your support during this challenging period!
Recorded Programs Are Live!
February 1, 2021
Success Formula is on the move! We’re not just standing still; we’re expanding our selection of ways to learn. We have started to offer our programs in a recorded form – allowing you to view them and learn wherever and whenever. The recorded programs help with facing challenges with COVID-19, but allow for flexibility for those seeking it!
Expansion into Business Engineering
September 1, 2021
The newest addition to the course selection is Business Engineering, welcoming yet another group of ambitious students together. More course offering, more students at SF, the biggest community of students we have had so far– we are excited!
Welcoming our new intern, Tobias!
September 1, 2021
We are excited to welcome Tobias as a new intern – Tobias will take on tasks helping contribute to the success of SF while learning valuable management skills at the same time. We are thrilled to see what Tobias will bring to the table and grow and learn together! Welcome to the team, Tobias!
International Baccalaureate Programs
January 3, 2022
Success Formula is expanding the course selection, this time with high school IB students programs, new recorded programs, and business engineering courses. Rolling stones gather no moss!
Florian Takes the Lead
September 1, 2022
2022 starts a new chapter with Florian, a veteran tutor, assuming leadership. He steps into this role, ready to guide us through another exciting year. The whole team is excited to support Florian in his new role and see what changes he will bring along. Let’s go, Florian!
Welcome, Nik, our new intern!
September 1, 2022
Our team is growing! We’ve welcomed Nik as our new intern, who is working hard, contributing to the expansion of our offerings and providing students with top-class services. High five to our amazing intern Nik, who helps keep the ship sailing!
Welcome our new intern, Eero!
October 1, 2023
We are excited to welcome Eero as an intern. He has worked as a tutor for a while, but it is exciting to have him join helping with other tasks alongside tutoring. We are excited to see what learning opportunities there will be. Welcome to the team!
Yet Another School Year!
October 30, 2023
The academic year 2023-2024 took off with incredible speed with a great turnout for our QM1 and MFA courses, thank you for all students for trusting us. After a short break, we’re all charged up and ready to jump to what block 2 has coming for us, are you ready?