- Mensa International test
- M.Sc. Econometrics and Operations Research, specialization Mathematical Economics Maastricht University
- B.Sc. Economics and Business Economics, specialization International Economic Studies Maastricht University (Cum Laude & Honor’s Programme)
Tutoring Experience
- Reflections on Academic Discourse
- Macroeconomics
- International Economic Relations
- Macroeconomics & Finance
- Banking
- ICT, Organization and Income
- Economist’s Point of View
- Micro- & MacroEconomics
- Making an European Market
- International Economics
- Introduction to Economics
Dutch and English
Little Words
It has been truly a joy having been a tutor for the last two years, where my teaching philosophy is that the single most important job of a tutor is to set a comfortable group atmosphere. From this, it is quickly obvious that students are very motivated to participate, dare to pose questions and automatically learn more in the process. It is generally just those few questions that can make a topic much clearer for the students, as they know best where their gaps of knowledge are and just feeling comfortable enough to pose questions can often induce students to all of a sudden “see the light”.