We are proud to announce that Success Formula is organizing a case competition tailored to university students.
Find more information below.
A Success Formula case competition for university students in Maastricht. You and your team will have 72 hours to solve a case and present your results to judges (max. 20 minutes of presentation followed by up to 10 mins of Q&A).
We see several reasons!
- Challenge yourself on a real-life case
- Present in front of judges and receive written feedback (not just “nice presentation, nice slices”)
- Join a networking event
- Take a chance at winning a cash prize
Who are the judges?
Success Formula management and external professionals.
What is the cash prize?
The more participants the bigger the price!
For each active participant, Success Formula will add 10€ to the prize pool, for example, if 50 students participate, the reward will be 500€ for the winning team.
We will start with our case competition in Block 2. You will receive the case on Saturday morning in Week 2. The deadline for submitting the final presentation slides will be at midnight on Monday of week 2. The presentations will take place in week 2 and 3.
For whom?
University students in Maastricht.
Apply via this page latest by Tuesday of week 2 at midnight. You can apply as a team (2 to 4 people) or as an individual. If you do not have a team we will pair you with others applying alone. The earlier you apply, the earlier you will be paired. At the latest on Wednesday of week 2, you will receive your team members’ email addresses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I ask a question about something not listed here?
A: Email us at case.competition@successformula.nl