B.Sc. International Business Maastricht University, third year (GPA: 8.2)
Professional Experience
Sales & Analytics intern at Bloomberg LP, London, 07.17-09.17.
Little words from her
When I started my studies here in Maastricht after a year of backpacking, it was a bit rough at first to actually use my brain again. However, as time passed, the joys of uni-life emerged and I more and more enjoyed thinking about more than just where I want to camp next and if I have some instant ramen noodles left.
Finding the logic behind the concepts explained, gave me great joy and I cought myself explaining those to friends and fellow students in turn, answering voice messages and screenshots via whatsapp on nasty exercises. I never expected it to be so rewarding, to help people struggling understand the topic at last. So this is just me stepping up the game here. I look forward seing you