- M.Sc. Business Research – Specialisation Accountancy at UM (top 1%)
- B.Sc. International Business (Major in Accounting) from UM (top 10%)
Tutoring experience
- Managerial Finance and Accounting
- Accounting and Managerial Decision-Making
- Finacial Statement Analysis and Valuation
- Advanced Financial Accoutning
- Intermediated Financial Accoutning
- Finance
- Accounting + Accounting II
- Quantitative Methods II
- Quantitative Methods III [skills]
- Management of Operations and Product Development (MOPD)
- Fund. of Supply Chain Management
Professional experience
- Research Associate – Foundation of Auditing Research (in collaboration with Mazars)
- Research Assistant – Accounting & Info. Mgmt. Department (AIM), Maastricht University (SBE)
- Teaching Assistant – Accounting & Info. Mgmt. Department (AIM) and Finance Department (FIN), Maastricht University (SBE)
- Business Development – Intern, McMakler GmbH
- Central Controlling & Reporting/Planning – Intern, ZF Group
English, German, and Farsi
Little words from him
During the 1st year of my master studies, I got the opportunity to work for the university as a tutor for the introductory Accounting course. This time was highly enjoyable for me which is why I continued teaching at the SBE. To further pursue this passion and experience a different teaching environment, I decided to join Success Formula. Now, I am excited to not only help my future students pass their exams and attain better grades, but also to learn from them along this path.