This program is a practical training for Managerial Finance and Accounting (Accounting) lasting two hours. The exam training focuses on testing your preparation and giving you the tools needed to complete your knowledge. For this training, your tutor has written exam questions that will test your knowledge (which you will receive a few days before). After giving you few moments to think about the question and its solution, your tutor will show you the answer and explain you how to get there in an intuitive fashion. In our view, this program is the best way for you to practice right before the exam and make sure you do not fall in the most likely pitfalls of the exam. This program is for up to 32 students and will take place at our school (Grote Gracht 64, 6211 SZ Maastricht).
Note regarding fee payment: due to the large scale of this event, we only accept online payments for booking this program.
By purchasing a spot in this program, you will also be able to download the slides via your Success Formula account (once the order is paid).
Alternatively, if you rather watch the exam training on demand (whenever and wherever you want), we also offer a recording of all of our exam training, link to the product is here!