πŸ₯Š Exams are close πŸ₯Š

But do not worry, we are still here and got you covered!

Crash Course: The crash course focuses on the most relevant theory needed for the exam exemplified with some exam-like questions. We believe it is the perfect way for you to grasp the relevant ideas and know exactly what is expected from you during the exam!

Exam Training: The exam training focuses on testing your preparation and giving you the tools needed to complete your knowledge. For this training, your tutor has written exam questions that will test your knowledge (which you will receive a few days before). After giving you few moments to think about the question and its solution, your tutor will show you the answer and explain you how to get there in an intuitive fashion!

Recorded Exam Training: TheΒ RecordedΒ Exam TrainingΒ is a recorded program during which our tutor goes through brand new questions made for you. Our tutor will explain the solution and give you tips. We crafted the questions in a way that we believe is similar to the exam. The questions are ordered by Weekly Meetings topic so it is easier for you to review the material if you want to!

All our programs can be found here!

Image may contain: text that says 'OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR EXAMS imgflip.com ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR'